Empowering Change

Advocating for quality education and gender equality to create a better future

Our Story

Temvert Foundation is dedicated to promoting quality education and gender equality through advocacy, capacity building, and community engagement. We believe that every child deserves quality education and equal opportunities irrespective of his/her identity.

We are proud to offer scholarships to indigent students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their educational pursuits. Our scholarship program aims to empower these students by providing them with the necessary resources to access quality education. By alleviating the financial burden, we enable them to focus on their studies and explore their full potential. Through this initiative, we strive to create equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their socio-economic background. We believe that education is a powerful tool for social mobility and should not be limited by financial barriers. Our scholarship program is a testament to our commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable society.


We are committed to providing free school materials to students in need. Our organization distributes essential items such as books, pens, and bags to ensure that every child has the necessary tools for their education. We understand the importance of these materials in enabling students to learn and grow academically.


Gender equality in education is a cause that we fervently support and promote. We firmly believe that every individual, regardless of their gender, should have equal access to quality education. We recognize the importance of dismantling the barriers that prevent girls and women from fully participating in educational opportunities. Through various initiatives and campaigns, we strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive academically. By advocating for gender equality in education, we aim to break down stereotypes, challenge discriminatory practices, and empower individuals to reach their full potential. We firmly believe that an educated society fosters social progress and equity, and we are committed to working towards a future where every person has an equal chance to succeed in their educational pursuits.


We Need Your Support

Thousands of children in Nigeria lack access to quality education mostly because of financial incapability. Temvert Foundation helps them access quality education by awarding scholarships and providing them with quality writing materials.